The charismatic and popular Indian beauty actress Aishwarya Rai turned 50 in 2023. Today she is the pride of her country. To do this, she had to go through the difficult path of a model, become Miss World, and conquer not only Indian Bollywood, Hollywood, but also Western cinema. Her oriental beauty and talent were admired by the whole world.
But a special blow for Aishwarya was the severe criticism from the public after the birth of her daughter. The actress even sacrificed her career, not wanting to betray her principles. Having emerged from a difficult situation with dignity, Aishwarya Rai returned to the set.
The oriental beauty and future Indian actress Aishwarya Rai was born in November 1973 into a respected family. The girl’s father was an officer in the merchant navy, and her mother was a popular writer. Since childhood, the baby loved music and danced. She was especially attracted to classical Indian choreography.
After entering a prestigious college in Bombay, Aishwarya worked part-time as a model and studied foreign languages. One day she saw an advertisement for the Miss India competition. Not believing in her success and “just for fun,” the girl decided to take part in a cultural event. Imagine her surprise when she took second place.
Having received the title of runner-up in 1991, Aishwarya Rai could lay claim to the world-class crown. Believing in herself, in 1994 the girl became the winner of the Miss World contest. At that time, Aishwarya Rai was 21 years old.
The young and charismatic Indian beauty was immediately noticed by film directors, and the press for a long time called her the most beautiful woman on the planet. A lot of new opportunities opened up for the girl.
She could be seen on the cover of Indian Vogue, she became the most sought-after and most recognizable fashion model in India. Aishwarya Rai was offered a contract with L’Oreal Paris, and also became the face of the De Beers jewelry house, starring in various commercials.
Possessing extraordinary talent, beauty and natural grace, she conquered Bollywood by starring in Indian melodramas. Her first work was a role in the film “Tandem”. The young and ambitious actress played many roles in Indian Bollywood, but Aishwarya dreamed of conquering Hollywood.
And luck smiled at her. Ten years later, she appeared on a Hollywood film set in the title role in the film “The Spice Princess.” After this, the actress received a lot of offers from famous film directors.
Despite her brilliant career, Aishwarya Rai’s personal relationships were not very successful. In 1999, she had an affair with actor Salman Khan, who starred in the film Love and Betrayal.
However, the relationship did not work out. Khan humiliated Rai, insulted her and often cheated on her. Three years later, Aishwarya and Salman broke up. Actor Vivek Oberoi helped the actress cope with her breakup with Salman Khan. But their romance also did not last long.
On the set of the film Bikers 2: True Feelings, Aishwarya Rai met the handsome Abhishek Bachchan. The young people immediately liked each other. Their relationship developed very rapidly.
Soon the couple announced their engagement, and after their parents approved their marriage, the Indian actors got married. Four years later, the couple had a daughter, Aaradhya.
After the birth of her daughter, Aishwarya Rai received a wave of criticism. Photos of the former Miss World appeared on the Internet and caused a storm of negativity from fans of the movie star. The actress, in their opinion, looked too large. Haters posted unflattering comments and pictures of the star on social networks before and after her motherhood, comparing her to an elephant.
Aishwarya was given examples of Victoria Beckham and Angelina Jolie, who each gave birth to several children and looked great. One day, photographs of the actress appeared in the press when she was not ready for filming.
A difficult stage in life has begun for Aishwarya Rai. But the actress tried not to pay attention to public criticism. She enjoyed motherhood and was not afraid to break stereotypes that a woman after giving birth should run to the gym and urgently lose weight.
But criticism from compatriots was cruel. Aishwarya Rai was even called a “disgrace to the nation.” Haters spread rumors that due to the actress’s excess weight, her marriage was on the verge of collapse. These speculations of ill-wishers were denied by the actress’s husband, Abhishek Bachchan.
Aishwarya Rai was horrified by the behavior of her fans. She did not expect such an influx of criticism and aggression from yesterday’s fans. It was not easy for the actress to survive social oppression. However, she did not give up, trying not to pay attention to the statements of the haters.
A principled position and stable outlook on life helped Aishwarya survive body shaming. She enjoyed motherhood while acknowledging the hormonal changes she had experienced.
But the actress did not lose self-confidence and after a few years returned to her former weight.
However, she became disillusioned with the fans, convinced that success was fickle. Aishwarya Rai urges all women to take care of their children and not worry about a sagging waist, which can be restored.
Indian films were something of a curiosity at one time. Beautiful actors, fiery songs, amazing dances and naive plots have been and remain characteristic features of films released in Bollywood.
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