As the wife of the future king of England, Kate Middleton knows just how important it is to always put your best face forward. In fact, the Duchess of Cambridge always makes sure to look camera-ready each time she steps out for one of her royal engagements or public appearances. As a royal, appearance is everything, and Kate is so consistently good at it that the “The Kate Effect” took hold soon after she announced her engagement in 2010. That’s because each time the duchess would wear something in public, that item would fly off the shelves within an hour, per Vanity Fair
In fact, when Kate wore a royal-blue dress by Issa after she and William publicly announced their engagement, designer Daniella Helayel said that the “Kate Effect” was the best and worst thing to happen to the brand. “It was all very exciting,” she told the Daily Mail. “We didn’t have a TV at the studio and this was pre-Instagram, but we soon knew Kate was wearing Issa because at four o’clock the phones began ringing and didn’t stop. It was bonkers.”
With that said, Kate is also an icon when it comes to her beauty and thick, brunette, and perfectly blow-dried hair. But before she became the Duchess of Cambridge, there was a time where Kate didn’t mind stepping out in nothing but a belly-baring spaghetti strap shirt and no makeup on. Check it out below!
Kate Middleton’s casual but natural look