Actor Bruce Willis has been on a challenging health journey since 2022, when his family announced his retirement from acting due to health concerns. Initially diagnosed with aphasia, a language disorder affecting speech and comprehension, the news shocked Hollywood, where Willis had been a beloved star for decades in iconic films like Die Hard and The Fifth Element.
In early 2023, his family revealed his condition had progressed to frontotemporal dementia (FTD), a rare neurodegenerative disease that affects behavior, emotions, and language. Unlike Alzheimer’s, FTD often spares memory but impairs communication, and it is most common in individuals under 60. Willis’s wife, Emma Heming Willis, reflected on his early symptoms, initially mistaking them for a return of his childhood stutter, unaware of the deeper issue.
FTD’s subtle onset made it difficult for the family to pinpoint when his health began to decline. Despite the clarity of a diagnosis, FTD has no cure and progresses steadily. Through this journey, Bruce’s family—his wife, ex-wife Demi Moore, and children—have remained steadfast, prioritizing his comfort and raising awareness for FTD.
Willis’s acting legacy endures, inspiring fans worldwide as his family champions compassion and understanding for neurodegenerative diseases.